Levels of the ENFP


  • Prioritizes family members and close friends to make time for them
  • Doesn’t overcommit to activities – only agrees to what they feel they can handle
  • Makes an effort to pay attention and listen to others
  • Great interpersonal skills and gets along with a wide variety of people
  • Effective leaders
  • Learns how to be self-disciplined and complete their projects/tasks
  • Sets and keeps boundaries
  • Doesn’t neglect their own needs trying to help others
  • Comfortable with their own emotions
  • Creates innovative projects and events
  • Able to problem-solve without avoiding conflict
  • Advocates for themselves and doesn’t allow other people to make fun of them for their unconventional views


  • Family members and close friends are their priority but may have trouble planning time to connect with them
  • Tendency to overcommit on activities and then they feel badly when they are not able to follow-through
  • Not always the best at making healthy decisions – lacks foresight and being able to foresee potential consequences
  • Usually possess good interpersonal skills but may struggle with connecting with others on a deeper level
  • May come across as being shallow or flighty because they are typically very outgoing and forgetful (that doesn’t necessarily make that true)
  • Has difficulty making time for their own well-being because they’re overloaded with commitments or fun activities
  • Sometimes forgets to takes things seriously – not because they don’t care but because it requires organization and a solemn attitude (i.e. needing to discipline children or having to deal with a serious illness)
  • May engage in unhealthy behaviors

Unhealthy: May be prone to Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, Eating Disorders (bulimia and binge eating), Borderline Personality Disorder, and SA issues

  • Unable to take the time to manage their own schedules and needs
  • Wants to have fun and does not want to take things seriously
  • Doesn’t prioritize family and friends because they are too busy having fun
  • Easily overwhelmed emotionally
  • Extremely unorganized and all over the place
  • Difficulty following through on commitments
  • Lack of discipline and focus
  • Avoids conflict and can become passive aggressive when upset
  • Low-self-esteem
  • Engages in unhealthy and potentially risky behaviors (i.e. unprotected, frequent sex with different people, binge eating, etc.)