Levels of the ENTJ


  • Makes excellent and principled leaders who’ve learned to manage their naturally intimidating traits
  • Works well with others instead of against to achieve goals and innovations
  • Is in touch with their emotions and manages them decently
  • People look up to them; great role models
  • Active and involved in the community
  • Able to be productive and reliable
  • Honest and fights fairly instead of trying to manipulate or sabotage others for what they want
  • In tune with others needs and are attentive (esp to their romantic partner)
  • Able to take suggestions without being combative
  • Able to see the other side and listen to different viewpoints that do not align with their own


  • Toned down their arrogance but continues to struggle with their assertion
  • Difficulty maintaining a productive work schedule due to feeling superior to others
  • Can appear emotionally unstable because they have trouble managing their emotions properly
  • Not always reliable or productive
  • Appears to be helpful but usually because they want others to like them
  • Struggles with being in-tune with others needs
  • May have trouble staying out of arguments and debates
  • Difficulty listening and respecting others viewpoints
  • Trouble connecting with others emotionally
  • Obnoxious and incongruent with their behaviors
  • Doesn’t always fight fairly
  • May have trouble following through with their commitments if they feel it is pointless or they have been wronged

Unhealthy: May be prone to Anti-social personality disorder, Bipolar Disorder or any disruptive mood disorder, Narcissistic personality disorder, or borderline personality disorder.

  • Difficulty with listening to others
  • Unable to effectively work well with people
  • Mean and rude
  • May be physically and verbally aggressive when upset
  • Cannot deal with personal emotions or the emotions of others
  • Lack of respect to most people, esp. authority figures
  • Beyond arrogant and feels superior to people
  • Believes their method is the right way
  • Feels the need to correct others
  • Volatile – anything could set them off
  • Dishonest and cannot accept truth
  • Refuses to work with anyone unless they go along with their plans
  • Expects everyone to follow their lead even though they may be wrong
  • Refuses to be told that they’re wrong and will not listen
  • Hypocritical and obnoxious