Levels of the ENTP


  • Uses their charm to gain positive friendships
  • Able to follow-through on their commitments and are honest about what they will not do
  • Open to constructive criticism and will take it into consideration
  • Extremely gifted in whatever area they choose
  • Very innovative and will work towards achieving their goals
  • Learns how to focus on the big picture without losing sight of the necessary steps along the way
  • Gets in-touch with their emotions and learns how to connect well with others
  • Understands that schedules can be necessary evils
  • Productive problem-solvers
  • Confident in their abilities but will not come off as being arrogant
  • They don’t have tolerance for foolishness and will let you know when you’re out of line in a diplomatic way
  • They see the importance of social programs and will volunteer their time, give money, advocate, etc.


  • Sociable and outgoing
  • Has difficulty following through but will continue to try
  • Can be argumentative and rude at times
  • Trouble focusing and paying attention (this is why they have difficulty listening to others)
  • Takes longer to achieve their goals
  • May appear arrogant
  • Difficulty engaging with other people who have opposing viewpoints
  • Decent blend of not needing to have everything done perfectly but getting the job done
  • May exaggerate at times
  • May be incongruent with their behaviors and seem hypocritical
  • Wants to help others even if they become easily irritated with the systems
  • Can be obnoxious
  • Difficulty respecting boundaries and limits

Unhealthy: May have Bipolar Disorder or Substance Abuse problems

  • Uses their charm to try and manipulate others (even if they’re not aware that’s what they’re doing)
  • Insensitive to others needs and a severe lack of empathy
  • May have difficulty keeping a job – they work better if they’re self-employed because then they don’t have to deal with authority
  • Can be all over the place and change their mind frequently
  • Argumentative and unwilling to hear someone else’s side
  • Defensive and antagonistic
  • Alienates other people and does not have a lot of close friends
  • Difficulty getting work completed
  • Very arrogant because they feel superior to others
  • Self-centered and prideful
  • Very poor listeners
  • Trouble with respecting authority
  • Obnoxious just to get a reaction from others
  • Doesn’t respect boundaries
  • Hypocritical and very incongruent with their actions
  • At this point has trouble connecting the dots