Levels of the ESFJ


  • Although they usually have a lot of friends and acquaintances, at this level they are able to have friends that differ in beliefs and values
  • Genuinely warm and giving even if it’s not reciprocated on the other person’s end, the ESFJ will not be resentful
  • Willingly helps others without any expectations but doesn’t neglect their own needs
  • Doesn’t expect praise and recognition when they help- although it’s greatly appreciated
  • Ability to address and handle conflict in a mature manner
  • Works towards personal self-growth because they want to improve
  • Open to listening to others viewpoints even if it does not align with their own
  • Enjoys hosting parties and events
  • Wants their family to be in a safe and happy/fun environment
  • Takes time for self-care and doesn’t over-socialize because they don’t want to be alone


  • Giving and helpful but really wants to be recognized for their efforts
  • May be more emotionally needy and switch moods easily
  • Overly opinionated without regards for others
  • Can fluctuate between being productive and not wanting to complete assignments – due to stress
  • Can become emotionally flooded easily if things aren’t going their way or someone disagrees with their opinion
  • Not as good with focusing on details unless it’s an area they enjoy
  • Will begin to protect themselves if they feel people are encroaching on their values and beliefs – will have difficulty standing up for what they believe in
  • Will begin to engage in unhealthy escape methods and will spiral out of control if not careful

Unhealthy: Can be prone to a personality disorder like borderline or some aspects of the narcissistic personality disorder; eating disorders (i.e. bulimia and binge eating); anxiety and depression.

  • Prone to resentment, anger, and bitterness because they feel that people are taking advantage of them
  • Expresses negative emotions through anger (yelling and screaming) or passive aggressive acts
  • Threatens that no one cares or loves them and tries to give others a “guilt-trip”
  • Insensitive to others needs but may be extremely needy themselves
  • Controlling and wants things to go their way all the time
  • Difficulty listening to others unless it serves their need or matches their viewpoints (like making them look better as a person or provides them with a source of income)
  • Comfortable in their prejudices and does not care to work on their own personal issues
  • Will tell white lies under stress to not have to deal with reality
  • Can be very stubborn and resistant to positive change
  • Will avoid their problems by using unhealthy escape methods