Levels of the INTP


  • Learns how to interact with people without feeling forced or fake
  • Follows through on their commitments
  • Innovative and creative
  • Focuses on the details in addition to the bigger picture in order to achieve their goals
  • Wants to care about their family and makes an effort to engage in family events
  • In touch with their emotions even though it is not their favorite activity
  • Follows regulations and understands they are not above the rules
  • Feels confident in their own abilities and is successful with their decisions because they’ve learned how to be disciplined
  • Positive and diverse network of friends
  • Doesn’t allow their skepticism to cloud their judgment
  • Able to use healthy problem-solving skills without shutting down when upset


  • Reserved but not completely shut-off from social events and society
  • Will struggle to meet their commitments but will try nonetheless
  • Sometimes gets stuck seeing the big picture and will have difficulty making the steps in order to achieve their goals
  • It depends on the family member/friend if they’ll invest their time and energy
  • Has a certain level of tolerance for others who do not share their viewpoints
  • Struggles with authority figures due to lack of trust
  • Enjoys being creative
  • Feels skeptical about people and certain theories but will make a minor effort to listen before they completely write them off
  • Difficulty solving conflict but will try to make an effort

Unhealthy: May struggle with anxiety and depression; may display some anti-social behaviors

  • Arrogant and unwilling to tolerate others who do not share their way of thinking
  • Disregards authority figures if they disagree with what they’re being told to do
  • Argumentative and unable to see someone’s viewpoint
  • Wants to do everything their own way
  • Has extreme difficulty connecting with their family members and trouble keeping friends/romantic relationships in their lives
  • Unable to manage their duties and maintain commitments
  • Closes off their emotions and refuses to deal with reality
  • Avoids conflict and will try to erase any remnants of what is causing the conflict (this could include cutting people out of their lives)
  • Insensitive to others needs and displays a lack of empathy
  • Self-centered and prideful