Levels of the ESTJ


  • Wonderful orators and public speakers
  • Work towards the greater good and has respect for systems and people who are not in alignment with their worldview even if they find it irritating
  • Able to interact with others; built their interpersonal skills to be a team player instead of a dictator
  • Enjoys mentoring and passing on knowledge to close family members and friends
  • Doesn’t take things too personally and lash out when they are criticized.
  • Able to handle conflict and reduce tension
  • Able to stand up for their own view-points without putting others down in the process
  • Tolerant of other people’s views even if they disagree
  • Not overly confident – they understand their own limits
  • They don’t have tolerance for foolishness and will let you know when you’re out of line in a diplomatic way
  • Takes time for self-reflection even if it’s just a few minutes a week


  • Able to keep a decent support system but may tend to have trouble with personal relationships (family, friends) due to their vocalized beliefs
  • Will address conflict but has difficulty understanding the other person’s point of view and validating feelings
  • May have a tendency to become defensive when someone calls them out
  • Prefers to be the leader and person-in-charge and has a difficult time sitting on the sidelines or taking a supportive role
  • Can come across as very arrogant and think that they know best
  • Usually blunt and will speak their mind even it is inappropriate or rude
  • Wants to be the main organizer and keeper of events and appointments to have everything go according to plan
  • Enjoys being the center of attention but will try to not be in the spotlight the whole time
  • Focuses trying to make everyone do things their way because they think it’s the best way
  • Can be sensitive and become irritated when things do not go their way

Unhealthy: May be prone to Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Eating Disorders, and other mood-related disorders.

  • Needs to be the center of attention
  • Everything has to be done their way
  • Highly critical and most people do not meet their approval
  • Extremely poor listeners
  • Ridicules and antagonizes others who do not agree with their views and opinions
  • Can come across rude and cold if they’re not trying to impress someone
  • Wants to enforce the rules and regulations at any cost (i.e. Corporal Punishment, most religious organizations, etc.)
  • Zero introspection and insight
  • Believe they are always correct
  • Blames others and cannot accept responsibility for their mistakes
  • Only tells the positive parts of stories in order to make themselves look good – the other parts either didn’t happen or people were wrong.
  • Displays a lack of respect with those who disagree with them
  • Unable to see the other side
  • Extremely insensitive
  • Displays Jekyll and Hyde behaviors
  • Most likely holds a lot of prejudices and biases