Three Daily Habits to Transform Your Life

Aspiring to be more productive is easier said than done. Here are three steps to make lasting changes in your life. This can be hard to achieve if you struggle with chronic pain or other health related illnesses. Even if it’s not possible to follow this blueprint due to medical concerns, that’s okay. Adapt these three steps to fit your life needs.

One: Pick one activity that you will look forward to doing in the morning. (E.g. making your favorite tea or coffee; practicing yoga at home; browsing Pinterest for the latest travel pics…) This may sound very simple but when you’re lying in bed continuously hitting the snooze option on your phone, it’s time to change your morning habits. Find something that actually gets you motivated on a daily basis to get up in the morning.

Two: Accomplish one goal or work towards a specific goal for the day. It doesn’t have to be on the scale of creating a car to send people to the moon – ideally you want to pick something that is not required of your job to accomplish and work towards your own personal goals. If you must tackle that assignment for work, go ahead. Just do not neglect your own personal growth.

Three: Create a bedtime routine that works for you – here are some general guidelines: Try to stick to the same time each night – for example, 10pm quiet time – shut off all electronics and media, by 10:30 pm in bed, 10:30-11 pm for falling asleep. Waking up and going to sleep at a set time and decent time seems to be the most difficult for people to maintain. It can be very difficult. Managing to these two regimens will be rewarding in the long run.

This is just a start and example with suggestions for your personality type. Certain types will have a radically different approach and that is fine. Figuring out what makes your morning successful and exciting helps to start the day.

ESTJ/ISTJ: Already natural lovers of order and scheduling…. Pick something you look forward to as a treat instead of a choice (or duty). For example, if you have children and don’t have a lot of free time in the morning, choose an article from your favorite magazine/blog, or read a chapter from a book. How about trying the opposite of “being productive” and not doing anything for seven minutes – I dare ya!!

ESTP/ISTP: You hate schedules and agendas anyway. Why not try to wake up between a time range in the morning (such as 7am to 7:20) to give yourself some freedom and then enjoy watching the latest comedy clip from the tonight show while you brush your teeth; or how about listening to a motivational song?

INTJ/ENTJ: Always stressing over the upcoming day events. Take a few moments to write down (or do a voice memo) some positive thoughts. Try not to focus specifically on what you want to do (productivity), but how you’re feeling and the new start of the day. Example: This morning I’m feeling somewhat irritated; I hope to listen to others more today instead of trying to fix their problem.

ENTP/INTP: Yes, you hate structure of any kind. I know, you want a new adventure every day and that’s fine. Try a new exercise routine for several days in a row or a new coffee/tea flavor. Keep it simple but keep it relevant.

ISFP/ESFP: If you don’t have any children, consider getting a pet. When you are responsible for an animal, it forces you to get up in the morning… Those of you who have small children already know the deal! They can act like little animals – screaming and jumping around! If you cannot have a pet then think about another activity such as meeting up with a friend before work for breakfast or coffee.

INFP/ENFP: Like the ISFP/ESFP, getting a pet wouldn’t be a bad idea unless you already have children and you want less responsibility! Also try picking your favorite 10 to 15 minute exercise routine before the kids have to go to school. Another one to try would be to work on a (art) project for the next 21 days.

ISFJ/ESFJ: The natural caregivers. Please take several moments in the morning to just focus on YOU. You’ll feel less stressed and more focused. I don’t even need to give you suggestions b/c I know there are a ton of untried thoughts you’ve had circling in your head for months. Stop pondering and pick one!

INFJ/ENFJ: Oh my beloved NFJ friends…. As a fellow NFJ I know that before you even wake up you’re still dreaming about what needs to be done for the day and how you want today to be different…. In addition to your morning coffee or tea, write a hand written note, email/text someone you love. Create a guided journal entry to begin the day.

To read more on establishing habits click this link: How to Create Positive Daily Habits

