ENFJ Love Matches

ENFJ’s are similar to INFJ‘s and are fairly picky with their romantic partners. They are best paired with other NF or NT types. I would never suggest an ENFJ to date an ISTJ, ESTJ, ISTP, or ESTP because of the amount of conflict it could cause. The traditional matches for an ENFJ is the INFP or the INTP. Depending on the strengths of the ENFJ and INTP it may or may not be an “ideal” match. Again, if the F/T preference is on the higher end for each type it will not be easy.

Honestly I believe a better match altogether for the very strong/strong ENFJ would be an INFJ. The reason why is because the “NFJ” functioning allows them to have a secure and intuitive relationship . Any  high “T” personalities would create stress and potentially foster a volatile relationship because ENFJ’s need space to process their feelings openly and privately. Most higher “T” personalities have a difficult time meeting the emotional needs of an ENFJ personality.

