Chasing Perfection Part II

This is the second half of how each personality chases perfection, highlighting the Intuitors in this post. To check out the first half of this post, click here: Chasing Perfection Part I

ENTJ: ENTJ’s want perfection and will go to any lengths to achieve it. If they can’t, you’ll hear explanations like, “oh well I had this problem since my youth and it was my father’s fault, or I’m battling a major illness and if it weren’t for that I would have already achieved…” Regardless of those explanations being true, ENTJ’s do not want to look inadequate and obtaining perfection is extremely important to them and for anyone who is involved in their personal life. They seek the trophy wife (or husband), will fork out loads of money to place their children in private schools, because of course, their children are naturally gifted and “perfect”. They want to live in the best neighborhoods with the newest cars showcased on display in their driveway even though they have four garages to store them in. Oh and don’t ever tell an ENTJ they’re not perfect because they will debate and argue otherwise until you’re blue-in-the-face.  In other words, ENTJ’s are already born with perfection and you cannot tell them anything to contradict this belief.

INTJ: INTJ’s are completely enamored with the idea of perfection even if they are well aware that they will never become (completely) perfect. They will sign up for various courses, take specialized classes, read a large amount of material to appear knowledgeable and “perfect” to others. Along with INFJ’s, they fit the title’s description of “Chasing Perfection” because of course, no one can be perfect (sshhh…. Don’t say that too loudly otherwise the ENTJ may hear!) The reason why INTJ’s and INFJ’s “chase perfection” is because they want to leave their legacy in the world. They will not feel satisfied until they accomplish their goals. Whereas INFJ’s want perfection more so in the direction of moral grounds, INTJ’s want perfection in regards to work and career-related areas.

ENTP: ENTP’s are not overtly concerned with being perfect. They may have their moments of wanting to have it all together or appropriately fitting into society – then again they may not and in a way, to them that’s achieving perfection. They don’t like adhering to other people’s standards or regulations. They typically believe their way is definitely the right way. ENTP’s tend to ignore protocol, well-established traditions, and make their own definitions to coincide with reality. This is perfection; creating their own reality and believing they are achieving perfection as they go along.

INTP: INTP’s actually care about perfection but only with certain people. If they respect you and value your input, then they will want to appear somewhat perfect in your eyes. That doesn’t mean that they will truly try to “be perfect”, only create that illusion and pretend to a select group of people. They know how to work situations to their advantage and use opportunities in their favor.

ENFP: ENFP’s along with most “P” personalities, understand that perfection isn’t real and therefore they do not waste their time trying to achieve an ideal that isn’t possible to obtain. In the process, they have enjoy life and do not expect others to do everything right. On the flip side, they strongly believe people should treat each other with respect and help other human beings (and animals). When people are able to achieve this, then that’s a form of perfection for them but they’re not expecting everyone to be able to achieve this all the time and they will not call it “perfection”.

INFP: INFP’s seek perfection but are not concerned with “chasing” perfection. They respect the process of messing up (depending on the area) because they know it is not really possible to be perfect. If INFP’s could choose an area of perfection in their life and knew it was possible to make it happen, it would be in their most intimate areas of life – like at home. At work and in the community, INFP’s do not expect others to be perfect because they know humans are fallible and it’s a false concept (oh again… sshhh… don’t let the ENTJ’s hear!)  

ENFJ: Oh my ENFJ friends…. Oh darlings, I know – you dream of heaven and Utopian societies. You take the land of milk and honey very seriously and enjoy reading fairytales with happy endings. To you, that is the ultimate perfection. When everyone is happy and there’s nothing wrong at all – anywhere. Keep dreaming about perfection and you never know – one day you may wake up and have it! Okay, seriously, ENFJ’s are similar to INFJ’s when it comes to perfection but whereas the INFJ is more personal and global (as in world peace) with their perfection, ENFJ’s secretly wish that everyone close to them is perfect.

INFJ: Sigh…. INFJ’s are a special bunch when it comes to perfection. Being an INFJ myself, I know the frustration and stress associated with wanting to be “perfect”. INFJ’s desire world peace and harmony. For INFJ’s, being perfect is not about achieving the best scores on tests, always cooking everything correctly, or driving within the lines and never running yellow or red lights. (Ok I lie. The last three are absolutely correct beyond a shadow of doubt!) However, we value moral “perfection” above all. It’s one thing to run the (occasional) red light, it’s a completely different story when someone “runs” a business incorrectly or charity program that is morally corrupt. It really gets underneath our skin and is nauseating. INFJ’s understand perfection isn’t really possible but nonetheless will still try to create that illusion in their life.

