(E) Extroverted (N) Intuiting (F) Feeler (J) Judger

Very Strong/Strong:

  • Strong set of morals and values
  • Outgoing and energetic – typically enjoys hosting parties and planning events
  • Highly creative and imaginative
  • Great with encouraging others
  • Innovative and engaging writers
  • Usually very organized
  • Perfectionistic tendencies – can get anxious when things are out of place or when they feel like they’re not measuring up
  • Enjoys playing with children
  • Large circle and variety of friends
  • Very affectionate and in touch with their emotions
  • Warm and compassionate
  • Active and attentive listeners
  • Charismatic – make great leaders
  • They want to gives people the benefit of the doubt – can see the good in others
  • Enjoys having fun and having a good time
  • Sensitive but may not show it outwardly
  • Wants their home environment to be a safe haven for their family
  • Observant and insightful
  • Social activists of some sort and wants to help others
  • May have a tendency to second guess themselves


  • Strong set of morals and values but are not as likely to force their views on others
  • Outgoing and Energetic – typically enjoys hosting parties and planning events
  • Imaginative and creative
  • Usually very organized
  • Enjoys playing with children
  • Very affectionate and highly emotional beings
  • Warm and compassionate – but has a limit
  • Active and attentive listeners
  • They want to gives people the benefit of the doubt – can see the good in others
  • Enjoys having fun and having a good time
  • Sensitive
  • Perfectionistic tendencies – can get anxious when things are out of place or when they feel like they’re not measuring up
  • Usually observant and insightful
  • Wants to help others
  • Has a tendency to second guess themselves

Dual: At least one or more of the dichotomies falls in the middle. It depends on the preference that falls in the middle that makes a difference with how each type is displayed.

The ENFJ/INFJ combination is a unique blend of being more sociable yet needs to create more alone time to recharge. ENFJ’s are actually the least outgoing and energetic of the Extroverts because of their ability to be highly perceptive and intuitive which leads them to feel more drained than the other extroverts. This is why they need more time to recharge and if they have a more even I/E preference they will need a lot more time than a strong ENFJ.

The ENFJ/ENTJ combination is unique. On one hand, they can be very caring and helpful on the other, they can appear like they have a lack of empathy. Since ENFJ’s are traditionally very caring and compassionate, a more equal F/T presence  will create a different level of wanting to help others and approach problems without using a higher feeling base.

To read the dual personality clip for the ENFJ/ESFJ and ENFJ/ENFP click on the links and scroll down to the last section.

Levels of the ENFJ