(E) Extroverted (N) Intuiting (T) Thinker (J) Judger

Very Strong/Strong:

  • Likes to be the leader
  • Excellent speakers
  • Sociable and enjoys being the center of attention
  • Can be very arrogant
  • Innovative
  • Approaches problems without emotions
  • Focused on the bigger picture; doesn’t like to pay attention to the details
  • Has difficulty following and respecting authority
  • Has difficulty attending to others needs
  • Only wants to follow-through on activities that they deem important and beneficial
  • Can be very insensitive
  • Usually efficient at their job if they enjoy what they’re doing
  • Career-oriented and believes that other people should be too
  • Focused on doing things their own way
  • Does not like being told what to do
  • Difficulty listening to others
  • Can be manipulative
  • Usually very organized


  • Enjoys being around other people and communicating
  • Confident – with borderline arrogance
  • Doesn’t like to deal with emotions
  • Wants to accomplish their goals and will try to tolerate others viewpoints but will find it difficult
  • Insensitive to others needs
  • Difficulty following authority figures
  • Career-oriented and believes that other people should be too
  • May have difficulty listening to others
  • Focused on doing things their own way
  • Don’t like being told what to do
  • Can be manipulative
  • Usually organized

Dual (At least one or more preferences that fall in the middle):

The ENTJ/ENTP combo will be similar in the since that they enjoy structure but it won’t seem like they’re on steroids to get a project finished or have everything done exactly they way they pictured. Another example could include when they want their partner to be more flexible but only when it serves their benefit.

The ENTJ/ENFJ is a rare combination but they do exist. At first glance they probably appear extremely affable and receptive but if you cross their ENTJ side – watch out!!! Half joking! The ENFJ/ENTJ combination is unique because on one hand they can be very caring and helpful and then on the other, they can appear like they have a lack of empathy. Since ENFJ’s are traditionally very caring and compassionate, a more equal F/T preference will create a different level of wanting to help others and approach problems without using a higher feeling base. You can read more about ENFJ’s underneath their typology.

To read the dual personality clip for the ENTJ/INTJ and ENTJ/ESTJ click on the links and scroll down to the last section.

Levels of the ENTJ