(E) Extroverted (I) Intuiting (T) Thinker (P) Perceiver

Very strong/Strong:

  • Charming and Charismatic
  • Very outgoing and likes to engage in lively conversations
  • Can be diplomatic
  • Very confident to the point where they may seem arrogant at times
  • Usually possess a wide range of skills and hobbies
  • Independent and enjoys their freedom
  • May have difficulty following through
  • Energetic and likes to go on unplanned adventures
  • Enjoys hearing different theories and concepts but prefers their own viewpoints
  • Typically take a literal approach to solving problems instead of experimentation even though they are not against to trying to new solutions if it makes sense to them
  • Enjoys humor and playful
  • Keene sense of fashion
  • Believes rules are relative and not to be strictly followed
  • Enjoys debating – can be argumentative on purpose because they think it’s fun
  • Would rather not make set commitments
  • Goal oriented and even though they are not fans of mandatory organization, in their own personal life they will set tangible goals
  • Can make good leaders but they often do not like telling others what to do because then they have to take responsibility
  • May have difficulty listening to others
  • Not naturally sensitive
  • Somewhat able to deal with emotions albeit not their favorite subject; they are also surprisingly physically affectionate


  • Outgoing and sociable
  • Usually Charming
  • Appears confident
  • Enjoys debating with others and discussing different concepts
  • Believes rules are relative and not to be strictly followed
  • Likes to leave their options open and not have to be tied down by set commitments
  • May be skilled in different areas
  • Usually not the greatest listeners
  • Playful and enjoys humor
  • Usually moderately physically affectionate
  • Struggles with being sensitive with other people
  • Not the greatest at dealing with emotions but they will try

Dual (One or more preferences that fall in the middle):

The ENTP/ENFP combination will most likely be able to work well with dealing and managing their emotions if they are in a healthy place in their life. They will also enjoy a wider range of activities and hobbies. The ENTP and ENFP is a unique combination because they are more emotionally present in their relationships and are able to connect with others who disagree with them in general.

The ENTP/ESTP combination is likely to display more black and white thinking on subjects and will go back and forth between wanting to be traditional and taking a different approach. An example would include asking their partner to send a nude picture and within the same conversation ask if they are planning on going to church the next day, talking about the importance church attendance. The ENTP/ESTP will struggle with paying attention to other people’s emotional responses and reactions, an example includes emailing or texting someone to see how they’re doing (that’s a positive) yet at the end of the conversation assuming they’re doing well when they have not mentioned at all how they’re doing. Again this goes back to maturity and being more observant.

To read the dual personality clip for the ENTP/INTP and ENTP/ENTJ click on the link and scroll down to the last section.

Levels of the ENTP