(I) Introverted (N) Intuiting (T) Thinker (J) Judger

Very Strong/Strong:

  • Extremely independent and enjoys their solitude
  • Inquisitive and skeptical
  • Enjoys conspiracy theories and speculation
  • Difficulty expressing emotions and would rather not deal with them
  • Able to grasp challenging concepts and theories that most cannot
  • Small circle of friends and family members
  • Usually trustworthy and honest
  • Focused on accomplishing their goals and being quietly successful
  • Insightful and deep thinkers
  • Confident and can sometimes seem arrogant depending on the subject and environment
  • Difficulty connecting with others emotionally
  • Innovative
  • Want humanity to be productive and destructive (if wars are to be fought it should be through intellect and not violence)
  • Very principled
  • Not very affectionate
  • Good listeners
  • Organized


  • Independent and likes their solitude
  • Inquisitive and skeptical but open to be proven wrong
  • Not as confortable with conspiracy theories but willing to entertain the idea
  • Confident with their abilities
  • Trustworthy and honest
  • Somewhat innovative
  • Desires others to follow regulations and principles
  • Comfortable with a very small yet close circle of friends
  • Difficulty connecting with others emotionally
  • Listens well
  • Organized

Dual (One or more preferences that fall in the middle):

The INTJ/ENTJ: Since they’re more open and outgoing, they may attend more social events than the higher introverted INTJ but that also means they’ll have more confrontations or heated arguments because of their ability to converse with others. They’re also likely to be more arrogant and have difficulty following authority figures.

The INTJ/INFJ: This is a rare and interesting combination mainly because INFJ’s and INTJ’s are not very common to begin with, therefore having a more even T and F preference is not typical. In general, the INFJ is compassionate and warm whereas the INTJ is the opposite. When the F and T preferences are equal, it creates this unique mix of creativity and cynicism. They’re less likely to take things personally and will pick and choose their emotional deposits with people, making it harder to be burned by others.

The INTJ/ISTJ: This combination will not be as inclined to engage in theoretical debates that cannot be proved. ISTJ’s are traditionally very facts oriented, mixed with a higher intuitive presence it will depend on the topic and how strongly the INTJ/ISTJ feels about certain topics. For example, a strong ISTJ may vehemently object to changing the structure at their job but being split on the S and N preference they may feel open to re-structure and change.

To read the dual personality clip for the INTJ/INTP click on the link and scroll down to the last section.

Levels of the INTJ