(I) Introverted (N) Intuiting (T) Thinker (P) Perceiver

Very Strong/Strong:

  • Very independent, enjoys their solitude
  • Inquisitive and needs viable explanations
  • Extremely skeptical and enjoys a certain level of conspiracy theories
  • Enjoys thinking about future possibilities even though it creates stress
  • Does not like to be confined and wants to keep their options open
  • Connecting with others can be difficult because they have a hard time with trust and feeling accepted
  • Enjoys speculating and debating with close friends
  • Questions authority but can respect others over time through proving themselves to be trustworthy and knowledgeable
  • Enjoys controlled adventures
  • Hates dealing with emotions and would rather pretend they don’t exist
  • Dislikes most social events
  • Listening to others is difficult unless it can hold their interest
  • Wants to plan for the future but finds it intimidating
  • Can be very insightful and reflective
  • Difficulty with change
  • Small circle of close friends; usually not very close to their family members
  • Difficulty finishing tasks they no longer feel are important
  • May find it difficult to follow-through on commitments
  • Can be insensitive with comments


  • Independent, enjoys their solitude
  • Open to hearing others opinions without being overly irritated
  • Skeptical and needs to find out for themselves
  • Keeps their options open but are able to make concrete plans
  • Does not like dealing with emotions
  • Inquisitive and prefers viable explanations
  • Not a fan of change
  • Wants to plan for the future but finds it intimidating
  • Not very eager to attend social events
  • Small circle of close friends; usually not very close to most of their family members
  • May be more comfortable with absolutes

Dual (One or more preferences that fall in the middle):

The INTP/ISTP will be more comfortable with absolutes than a strong INTP. They will be less argumentative and more likely to follow a set routine than the strong INTP because of the higher sensing side. For example, ISTP’s are creatures of habits even if they do not always follow-through with events and activities but an INTP literally goes with the flow according to when they feel like it regardless of set guidelines. Therefore an INTP/ISTP will appear a little more traditional.

The INTP/ENTP will be more sociable and as a result exert more outward confidence than the reserved INTP. They will also possess some of the extroverted characteristics from the ENTP such as being charming, more playful, and humorous.

The INTP/INTJ will possess a higher desire for organization and completing assignments. They may appear less concerned with finishing everything they start and may have a lower stress level because they chose projects they want to finish, rather than start a lot of projects and not finishing anything.

To read the dual personality clip for the INTP/INFP and  click on the links and scroll down to the last section.

Levels of the INTP