Perceivers Vs. Judgers

The naming of these two types are very misleading. People often think of “judgers” as being judgmental and “perceivers” as being understanding. To clarify, Judgers prefer detailed organization, structure, and a clear agenda. Perceivers on the other hand prefer an open schedule without specific time constraints or commitments and do not feel the need for precision in their personal lives.

Most perceivers are not exclusively go-with-the-flow or hate any form of organization or structure. They simply prefer the option of leaving it up in the air or being able to change plans last minute. Perceivers are not typically bothered by their employees coming in late or parties not beginning on time. They enjoy a looser structure rather than a specific, rigid timeline.

Judgers need to know what’s happening before it takes place. They are your event organizers of society. They enjoy putting together itineraries and making sure things are running smoothly. They usually need clean, orderly spaces. Their rooms and offices are generally clean and they have difficulty functioning if it’s not to their liking.

Perceivers on average are not flustered when something does not go according to plan. Depending on the strengths of the dichotomy, they may feel somewhat disappointed. Judgers are the ones who are more likely irritated and feel off balance.

These two types in particular can raise some real challenges if paired with the opposite dichotomy in any relationship. It can work well if each individual has taken a mature approach of working together and connecting with their partner, friends, family, or in the work environment.