(E) Extroverted (S) Sensor (F) Feeler (J) Judger

Very Strong/Strong:

  • Generous
  • Outgoing and likes to be the center of attention
  • Opinionated and not afraid to share their views and debate with others
  • Having a good image is very important to them
  • Enjoys organizing and running events
  • Extremely caring – sometimes to the point where it’s intrusive
  • Reliable
  • Team-player with good interpersonal skills
  • Enjoys listening to other people’s problems and wants to help them fix it
  • Puts others needs before their own
  • Traditional and strict with morals and values
  • Very sympathetic
  • Enjoys playing with children
  • Likes to volunteer their time
  • Wants to instill good values and principles for the future generations
  • Enjoys having a fun time with people
  • May struggle with self-confidence and self-worth


  • Engaging and talkative, yet they may need more downtime
  • Typically very generous but may be more conservative with giving depending on the strengths of the other preferences; especially if they’re more even on the T/F typology
  • Focused on doing “the right thing” and wants to make sure people are within the traditional guidelines.
  • Enjoys attending and helping with social events
  • Wants to have a good image
  • May struggle with confidence and self-worth
  • Cares about future generations and wants to instill good values and principles
  • Enjoys volunteering for causes they deem worthy
  • May have difficulty improving their well-being because of fear and anxiety (i.e. not leaving a bad job because they’re too afraid they will not find something better so they do not try; staying in a harmful relationship even if it’s damaging their children’s welfare)

Dual (At least one or more preferences that fall in the middle):

The ESFJ/ENFJ: They’re extremely engaging and can be quite innovative with their approaches. They have the ability to toy with abstract concepts and are not as annoyed with different theories but if they prefer their sensing side to the intuitive side they may go back and forth on trying to accept certain positions. For example they may believe they need to be married on paper but when their best friend says they’re going to live with their partner before getting married, they will genuinely be fine with their decision.

The ESFJ/ESTJ: This combination is unique because ESTJ’s do not come across as warm, caring individuals. Therefore when an ESFJ’s F and T presence are almost equal, it can be very fascinating to see how they balance the preferences. Depending on the maturity of the person, they can really manage to display the differences in the preferences very well. In other cases it can be displayed erratically like Jekyll and Hyde behaviors.

To read the dual personality clip for the ESFJ/ISFJ and ESFJ/ESFP click on the links and scroll down to the last section.

Levels of the ESFJ