(E) Extroverted (S) Sensor (F)Feeler (P) Perceiver

Very strong/Strong:

  • Outgoing and enjoys socializing
  •  Circle of friends is typically wide and varied
  • Extremely caring and giving
  • Not easily annoyed
  • Has difficulty watching/listening about other people suffering
  • Doesn’t like adhering to a strict schedule
  • Has difficulty being on time
  • Enjoys playing with children
  • Does not like to be in charge or a disciplinarian (of children)
  • Enjoys having fun – playful and humorous
  • Doesn’t believe life should be taken too seriously – or themselves for that matter
  • Not very organized or orderly but will become anxious because of real-life deadlines and structure
  • Somewhat sensitive when it comes to being criticized but usually has a very easy time getting over it
  • Open to change and suggestions
  • Very forgiving
  • Sees the good in others/gives people the benefit of the doubt


  • Enjoys having fun – Playful and humorous
  • Enjoys social activities but will sometimes find it stressful
  • Somewhat comfortable with a schedule and set appointments
  • May be more organized and structured with some areas of their lives
  • Forgiving
  • Open to change
  • Sees the good in others/gives people the benefit of the doubt
  • Sensitive to criticism and will try to ignore their feelings if hurt
  • Usually good listeners
  • Doesn’t like to deal with conflict and tries to avoid it

Dual (One or more preferences that fall in the middle):

The ESFP/ENFP will look more imaginative and creative. Their ability to see things objectively rather than concretely will aid with abstract thinking and having more in-depth conversations with others. They will likely have trouble with follow-through and memory but tend to continue winning others with their warm spirit.

The ESFP/ESFJ will have a higher likelihood of keeping a schedule and participating in organizing events. They may also appear more traditional than the ESFP and not as open to trying new things. The J and P functioning will show up differently from person to person and will really depend on how the person chooses to manage their activities and prioritize their time.

The ESFP/ESTP will have greater ease connecting with other people emotionally and will have a higher level of  sympathy in general. They may not come across as caring and warm as someone whose type is primarily an ESFP but they will not be as abrasive. The ESFP/ESTP will most likely not make as many insensitive comments and will try to be more diplomatic.

To read the dual personality clip for the ESFP/ISFP click on the link and scroll down to the last section.

Levels of the ESFP