(E) Extroversion (S) Sensor (T) Thinker (J) Judger

Very Strong/Strong:

  • Natural leaders, prefers being in charge
  • Diplomatic
  • Perfectionistic
  • Usually very honest
  • Doesn’t take things personally
  • Believes in concrete morals and values that are not subject to interpretation
  • Lovers of tradition
  • Very organized and generally enjoys following the same routine daily
  • Follows rules and regulations and believes everyone else should do the same
  • Bases decisions off of logic and facts – doesn’t like it when others are “too emotional”
  • Not in touch with their emotions and would prefer that emotions are non-existent
  • Highly dislikes unpredictability and change
  • Very efficient with tasks and assignments
  • Enjoys reading non-fiction over fiction books
  • Prefers the concrete sciences and math such as physics and chemistry; English literature and philosophy are not usually appealing.
  • Pays attention to details/detailed-oriented when it comes to sensory details and observations
  • Usually reliable and trustworthy
  • Usually has an excellent memory
  • Tends to be overly confident with their abilities


  • Generally good at problem-solving
  • Enjoys routine and organization but not necessarily a perfectionist
  • Doesn’t take things personally
  • Pays attention to sensory details
  • Preoccupied with structure and everyone else doing “the right thing”
  • May have trouble displaying any amount of sympathy to others
  • Not as willing to listen unless it serves a purpose to them
  • Can struggle with feelings of inadequacy and second-guess themselves albeit with no one noticing
  • May be more prone to making insensitive comments – not on purpose
  • Trouble admitting when they’re are wrong and then try to rationalize their comments because they believe they are correct
  • Good memory
  • Modestly confident


The ESTJ/ISTJ are very similar. If an ESTJ is strong in all their preferences except for the extroversion they will not be as vocal with their beliefs and opinions unless they know the person agrees with their point of view. If they don’t agree they may become very quiet and change the subject quickly because they do not want debate or  have conflict about the subject. The dual E/I will also not rush to be the leader and demand that others follow their commands. They will also need more down time than the extreme extroverted ESTJ.

The ESTJ/ENTJ combination can be like water and oil at times. ESTJ’s and ENTJ’s functioning are very different despite the one letter difference. The way they process and synthesize information is very different and Sensors vs. Intuitors typically clash with their approach for solving problems and receiving information. If this dual type has managed to balance their preferences then they will have an easier time interacting with others. If they continue to struggle to identify the areas that are more troublesome for them (i.e. rules they think are pointless on the job), then they will most likely stay in an irritated state instead of accepting it is out of their control.

To read the dual personality clip for the ESTJ/ESFJ and ESTJ/ESTP click on the link and scroll down to the last section.

Levels of the ESTJ