(E) Extroversion (S) Sensor (T) Thinker (P) Perceiver

Very Strong to Strong:

  • Feels more comfortable with a concrete set of morals and values rather than ambiguity
  • Charming – they can be persistent and persuasive with what they want
  • Fun-loving and enjoys humor/playful attitude – can come across as being childish at times due to their overly playful nature
  • Usually wants to be helpful in a hands –on type way
  • Has a variety of acquaintances but not a lot of close friends
  • Not prone to taking things personally
  • More prone to make brash decisions although they quickly regret it and will try to make amends
  • Difficulty paying attention to others needs, not very observant emotionally
  • Believes that following rules and regulations are necessary but the same standard does not always apply to them – they don’t like being told what to do
  • Bases decisions off of logic and facts – doesn’t like it when others are “too emotional”
  • Prefers to learn by watching and doing (kinesthetic) instead of reading (linguistic)
  • Likes to take risks but only if they feel it’s worthwhile
  • More attracted to people who like to joke around and are playful
  • Enjoys their freedom and likes to keep their options open
  • Can talk off the top of their heads and does not think before they speak therefore they can come across as being insensitive even though that was not their intention
  • Not in touch with their emotions and would prefer for emotions to be nonexistent
  • Trouble focusing and listening
  • Trouble with following through


  • If the E is more mild they can come across as mellow and not as excited
  • Open to suggestions but may not always try them
  • Can pay attention to details when it comes to sensory details and observations
  • Decisions should be based off of logic and facts – dislikes highly emotional people (even if they have a higher “F” presence)
  • Displays more incongruent behavior traits, esp. depending on the varying preference strengths
  • Enjoys having fun but is not over-the-top with their activities and risks
  • May display some sympathy for others if they believe it’s important
  • May find it challenging to focus and follow-through/forgetful
  • Difficulty listening to others
  • Wants people to enjoy life and not take things too seriously

Dual (At least one or more preferences that fall in the middle):

ESTP/ISTP: This personality will display a unique combination of different characteristics that will teeter back and forth if they’re in the middle with the last three preferences. An ESTP/ISTP combination does not affect the way this personality traditionally carries out their traits but with an equal “N” or “J” presence, their views, comments, and daily structure will vary. For example, they may agree to “meatless Mondays” but then change their mind when the day comes stating they did not remember saying that and instead wants to eat outside every Monday to be closer to nature. This comes along with not being mature and able to handle the equal preferences. When this personality learns how to better focus and pay attention to details, they are more skilled with either keeping their word or being more careful with their words in general.

The ESTP/ESTJ will have an easier time organizing events and appointments in their life although it will most likely be prominent in specific areas in their life. For example, they will most likely be very diligent at work but in their personal life they may not care to follow-through on a consistent basis. With this pairing though they will enjoy greater benefits from being able to balance the last two preferences.

To read the dual personality clip for the ESTP/ENTP and ESTP/ESFP click on the link and scroll down to the last section.

Levels of the ESTP