(I) Introverted (S) Sensor (T) Thinker (J) Judger

Very Strong to Strong:

  • Extremely reserved and principled
  • Usually very honest
  • Perfectionistic
  • Believes in concrete morals and values that are not subject to interpretation
  • Lovers of tradition
  • Generally follows the same routine daily
  • Very organized
  • Follows rules and regulations and believes everyone else should do the same
  • Bases decisions off of logic and facts – doesn’t like it when others are “too emotional”
  • Usually not in touch with their emotions and would prefer that emotions are non-existent
  • Highly dislikes unpredictability and change
  • Very efficient with tasks and assignments – typically make great employees because they do what they’re told and will not rock-the-boat.
  • Enjoys reading non-fiction over fiction books
  • Prefers the concrete sciences and math such as physics and chemistry; English literature and philosophy are not usually appealing.
  • Pays attention to details/detailed-oriented when it comes to sensory details and observations
  • Very reliable and trustworthy
  • Usually has an excellent memory


  • Enjoys routine and organization but it takes them a while to become flustered if everything is out of order
  • Generally good at problem solving
  • Perfectionistic tendencies
  • Pays attention to sensory details
  • Preoccupied with structure and everyone else doing “the right thing”
  • Not as apt to try and connect with personal friends and family
  • May have trouble displaying any amount of sympathy to others
  • Not as willing to listen unless it serves a purpose to them
  • Can struggle with feelings of inadequacy and second-guess themselves albeit with no one noticing
  • May be more prone to making insensitive comments – not on purpose
  • Trouble admitting the are wrong and then will try to rationalize their comments because they believe they are correct
  • Good memory

Dual (At least one or more preferences that fall in the middle):

The ISTJ/ISFJ: Unlike strong and moderate ISFJ’s, dual ISTJ’s with an equal preference for thinking and feeling will often come across as more mild and less abrasive. Strong ISTJ’s believe in concrete morals and values that are not subject to interpretation or change. They are traditionalists and will quietly enforce rules and regulations. Those who have a higher extroversion side will feel more comfortable expressing their opinions publicly – in person, social media, etc. Those who have a higher introversion preference are quieter about their views and tend to only vocalize their opinions if they feel comfortable. They can be stubborn and have difficulty viewing different sides of the story. It depends on the subject matter and cause that they will invest their time and energies into improving. For example if they believe in a certain social cause like Remembering the victims of 911 they may volunteer or participate to honor the people who died, joining the local Republican party society, being a deacon in church and mentoring children.

The ISTJ/ISTP will display less rigidity in activities and overall preferences in their life. For example the house does not need to be immaculate with everything in order or their clothes do not necessarily have to be perfectly folded and ironed. These are more simplistic examples and will vary from person to person. They’ll have their nuances but it will depend on personal belief and value system. For example if they feel that dessert should not be eaten first before regular food they will not be pleased when their children or other adults eat sweets before the real food. Waiting their turn in line and are not happy when others are allowed to “cut the line”.

To read the dual personality clip for the ISTJ/INTJ and ISTJ/ESTJ click on the link and scroll down to the last section.

Levels of the ISTJ