ISTJ Love Matches

ISTJ’s are similar to ESTJ’s in that they share the same structural functioning. This type is usually paired with ESTP’s or ESFP’s which I already addressed in the ESFP love match of not being a good idea in my opinion. ISTJ’s are very methodical and usually have a hard time connecting with people who are not like them. On top of primarily being thinkers, being paired with a feeler type can be challenging, especially if they are high on the thinking preference.

The other match I would recommend would be an ISTJ but some may disagree. Higher strength ST’s do very well with the same types because it creates less conflict and opposition. Anyone can make a relationship work and improve on the weaknesses of a relationship, however when higher ST’s are paired with the opposing inner functioning, higher NF’s, it makes it extremely difficult to relay information and resolve conflict because at the core they are very different.

I believe a better match for them would be an ISTP or an ISFJ – depending on the strengths. For example, if the ISTJ has a moderate thinking/judging preference then being paired with an ISFJ would not be terrible. On the other hand if the ISTJ thinking strength is high, and the ISFJ feeling strength is high, then it would be more challenging for the pair to naturally work well together.

