ISFP Love Matches

ISFP’s are traditionally matched with the ESFJ or the ENFJ. Both matches can potentially be fulfilling, especially if the each individual has taken the time to work on their strengths and weaknesses. The strengths of the dichotomies with the ISFP and the strengths of the dichotomies with their ENFJ partner will determine how well they interact with each other. ISFP’s are generally laid-back and enjoy less structure than an ENFJ, whereas ENFJ’s thrive on social interaction and prefer to have set schedules. However ENFJ’s need more time to be away from crowds and other people and spending time with a laid-back ISFP could potentially be a relief.

What’s not recommended for this type is to be with an ESTJ, ENTJ, or INTJ. Obviously any type can make it work with another but ISFP’s processing and synthesizing greatly differs from the NTJ’s and ESTJ’s. It would be harder for these personalities to blend their lives naturally with an ISFP and would take a considerable amount of work.

