ISFP and Perpetual Stress

ISFP’s are similar to ISTP’s in that they may not even realize they’re stressed until something catastrophic happens such as being hospitalized for a mental health breakdown or being physically sick with a virus for a couple of weeks. By default, ISFP’s really value harmony, they try their best to avoid stressful situations. Since we live in a world that is not stress-free, ISFP’s will encounter stress throughout their lives. Here are some suggestions you may find helpful if you find yourself stressed as an ISFP: When you actually realize you’re feeling stressed, identify the situation (or situations) in your life that need attention. One of your biggest natural assets you have is the feeling of being “zen”. Capitalize on that feeling by acknowledging your stressful situation and then utilizing the healthy feeling of “zen” to lower stress. Find helpful and healthy strategies to combat these situations and come up with a game plan that works for you.

