ISTP Love Matches

ISTP’s are usually matched with other sensing types and are often paired with ESTJ‘s or ESFJ‘s. Another potential match for an ISTP could be the ISTJ. As stated before in

ENFJ Love Matches

ENFJ’s are similar to INFJ‘s and are fairly picky with their romantic partners. They are best paired with other NF or NT types. I would never suggest an ENFJ to date

ISTJ Love Matches

ISTJ’s are similar to ESTJ’s in that they share the same structural functioning. This type is usually paired with ESTP’s or ESFP’s which I already addressed in the ESFP love

INTJ Love Matches

INTJ’s are special beings (in a good way of course)! The stronger the personality, the lower the threshold for tolerance. INTJ’s are not fond of people who display intense emotions

ESFP Love Matches

ESFP’s are fun-loving, caring people. They don’t like to take life too seriously but are committed to their friends and family’s well-being. ESFP’s are traditionally paired with Introverted Judgers such

INFJ Love Matches

INFJ’s are extremely picky with their romantic partners. They may have a wide range of friendships but when it comes to dating – not likely. They are best paired with

ESTJ Love Matches

Traditionally the ESTJ is paired with the ISTP or ESTP. These are good matches depending on the strength of the outer two (I vs.E and J vs.P). Another possible match