ENTP Love Matches

ENTP’s are typically matched with the INFJ or the INTJ. Either match can potentially be positive as long as they are both grounded and mature. ENTP’s may have a harder

INTP Love Matches

INTP’s are traditionally matched with the ENFJ or the ESTJ. Depending on the strengths of the INTP will determine how well matched they are with an ENFJ or ESTJ. For

ISFP Love Matches

ISFP’s are traditionally matched with the ESFJ or the ENFJ. Both matches can potentially be fulfilling, especially if the each individual has taken the time to work on their strengths

ESFJ Love Matches

ESFJ’s are typically matched with the ISFP or the INFP. Either match would work well as long as the strengths of the personalities compliment each other. For example, if a