ISFJ Love Matches

ISFJ’s are traditionally matched with the ESFP or the ESTP.  However, I would not recommend an ISFJ to date an ESTP unless the ESTP is mature and willing to met

ENTJ Love Matches

ENTJ’s are traditionally matched with the INFP or the INTP. Depending on the strengths of the ENTJ’s personality is what determines which personality type they would best be matched with;

ESTP Love Matches

ESTP’s are usually matched with other sensing types and are often paired with the ISTJ or the ISFJ. Although if paired with an ISFJ they will have to learn how

INFP Love Matches

INFP’s are usually matched with other feeling types like the ENFJ and ESFJ. These are great matches for the INFP because it can compliment each other’s perceiving and judging functions.

ISTP Love Matches

ISTP’s are usually matched with other sensing types and are often paired with ESTJ‘s or ESFJ‘s. Another potential match for an ISTP could be the ISTJ. As stated before in

ENFJ Love Matches

ENFJ’s are similar to INFJ‘s and are fairly picky with their romantic partners. They are best paired with other NF or NT types. I would never suggest an ENFJ to date

ISTJ Love Matches

ISTJ’s are similar to ESTJ’s in that they share the same structural functioning. This type is usually paired with ESTP’s or ESFP’s which I already addressed in the ESFP love